D&D Miniatures12/01/2005

Drows' Revenge

Deep beneath the earth winds a sub terrene world of unsuspected vastness. It is dark, alien, exotic, and even more rich and varied in its landscapes than the surface world. Beings raised in the wide-open expanses of sun and sky cannot fathom the extent of tunnels, caverns, chasms, rivers, forests, fissures, magma streams, pits, ice caves, steam vents, and seemingly bottomless plunges that form the geography of the world beneath their homes and fields. Surface dwellers are restricted to two dimensions, but the underearth inhabits three.

Drow ArachnomancerFierce, territorial wars rage through this dark landscape for generations. One such conflict is the raiding that takes place between the frontier outposts of Nachtreichweite, the great drow metropolis, and the troglodyte warrens that twist for miles beyond its control.

Drows' Revenge is a three-battle mini-campaign that follows one such raid along its path to strike at the troglodytes. One player controls the drow raiding party. The other controls the troglodytes and the creatures that occupy the no-man's land between the drow and troglodyte territories.

The Route of Advance

The drow must traverse an expanse of hostile, underground terrain before reaching the lair of the troglodytes. This is represented by various maps from the Fane of the Drow and Hellspike Prison map sets. Four maps are available as possible routes -- Mithral Mines, Fane of Lolth, Mushroom Cavern, and Hellspike Grotto. The drow player must fight her way across two of these maps before reaching her objective. The third and final battle is fought on the Magma Keep map.

Each map has its own associated force list for the troglodyte player to use when building his warband.

Sequence of Play

  1. The drow player selects a map to be the setting for battle 1;
  2. The drow player builds a 200-point warband from the Drow Force List and the troglodyte player builds a 100-point warband from the appropriate map force list;
  3. Both players reveal their warbands and set up the battle according to the rules for the chosen map. Fight battle 1 to a conclusion.
  4. The drow player performs after-battle functions and selects the second map to fight on.
  5. The troglodyte player builds a 100-point warband from the appropriate map force list;
  6. Both players reveal their warbands and set up the battle according to the rules for the chosen map. Fight battle 2 to a conclusion.
  7. The drow player performs after-battle functions and the troglodyte player builds a 120-point force to defend the Magma Keep map.
  8. The final battle is fought and a victor determined.

Map Rules

Troglodyte CaptainOn all maps, the troglodyte player wins terrain initiative automatically. Otherwise, follow the maps' skirmish rules as printed on page 16 of Fane of the Drow and Hellspike Prison.


The drow player builds a 200-point warband from the Drow force list below and uses this warband through all three battles. The troglodyte player will build three warbands during the course of the campaign, using force lists determined by the drow player. These warbands are built before each battle, so the troglodyte player gets the advantage in battles two and three of knowing what's coming.

The commander 0 rule is in force for the troglodyte player in all three battles. If he doesn't include a commander in his force, he can spend 5 points and make the lowest-cost figure in his warband a commander with a command rating of 0.

Faction rules are relaxed somewhat for both players. All units on their force lists are legal in their warbands, regardless of faction. Summoned creatures need not appear on the force lists -- any creature that normally fulfills the summoning spell's requirement can be summoned.


All battles are played to the standard victory condition -- the winner is the player who eliminates the opposition. The victor in the campaign is the player that wins the final battle in Magma Keep. If by some mischance the drow player loses battle 1 or 2 (very unlikely), then the campaign ends and the troglodyte player wins.

Between Battles

After each of battles 1 and 2, any of the drow player's units that routed off the map return to the warband. Figures that died are removed from play. Figures that took damage remain at their damaged hp levels. Spellcasters recover all of their spells. Summoned creatures are removed from the warband. Should any minions somehow come into play and be slain, they are not replaced between battles.

If all drow commanders were killed but the drow won the fight, one surviving figure in the drow warband can be designated as the new commander with a commander rating of 0.


DraeglothFor purposes of checking morale, a figure always compares its current hit points to its printed HP total. Once a figure passes a morale check for falling below 50% of its starting HPs, it doesn't need to pass another in any other battle.

Players' Notes

This string of battles is pretty straightforward. A short look at the force lists will tell the drow player what sorts of foes she can expect at each stage of the march toward the troglodytes' lair. Each map has its own distinct flavor. Battles 1 and 2 should be relatively easy wins for the drow, but the trick is winning without taking too many casualties. By the time the drow reach Magma Keep, the troglodytes know what's coming and can craft a warband specifically to defeat it. If the drow warband is worth less than 120 points by then, they'll have a very tough time winning.


Depending on playing styles, route, and warband composition, players may decide that one side or the other has an advantage. To counteract this, both players can bid for the drow side. Before play begins, one player announces how many points he wants to build what he considers a winning drow warband. If the other player is willing to play a drow warband with fewer points, he counterbids with a lower point total. Bidding continues, back and forth, until one player is unwilling to go lower. Then the player with the low bid builds a drow warband with points equal to his bid and the campaign begins.

A Note About the Force Lists

The Number listed for each figure indicates both its set and its position within the set. The Drow Archer, for example, is shown as being figure 160. This means it is from set 1 (Harbinger) and is number 60 within that set.

As usual, players are free to alter the force lists however they choose. This is a good way to vary the campaign from one playing to another. Ideally, new force lists should be created by a third player who's not an active participant in the campaign.

Drow Force List

Number Set Model Name Cost Com# Rarity
160 Ha Drow Archer 14 U
161 Ha Drow Cleric of Lolth 42 5 R
162 Ha Drow Fighter 10 U
171 Ha Ogre 13 R
177 Ha Troll 27 R
246 DE Bugbear 5 C
249 DE Drow Warrior 6 U
250 DE Drow Wizard 29 2 U
254 DE Large Monstrous Spider 11 U
256 DE Ogre Ravager 38 R
314 AF Drizzt, Drow Ranger 87 3 R
350 AF Drow Sergeant 16 2 U
442 GL Bugbear Footpad 16 C
445 GL Drow Fighter 10 U
446 GL Drow Rogue 19 U
447 GL Ettercap 11 C
457 GL Quasit 19 U
641 DK Skullcrusher Ogre 31 U
734 An Scorpion Clan Drow Fighter 33 2 U
752 An Bugbear Champion of Erythnul 34 2 U
759 An Troll Slasher 28 U
828 UD Xorn 24 U
831 UD Xen'drik Champion 23 R
845 UD Draegloth 56 R
846 UD Drow Arachnomancer 52 4 R
847 UD Drow Arcane Guard 25 U
853 UD Lolth's Sting 7 C
854 UD Mounted Drow Patrol 27 R
857 UD Spider of Lolth 9 C
858 UD Swarm of Spiders 15 U

Mithral Mines Force List

Num Set Model Name Cost Com# Rar
149 Ha Medusa 62 R
168 Ha Kuo-Toa 5 C
178 Ha Umber Hulk 30 R
235 DE Kobold Skirmisher 5 C
241 DE Carrion Crawler 19 R
242 DE Grimlock 7 C
245 DE Bright Naga 15 R
247 DE Chitrine 7 U
252 DE Gargoyle 21 U
254 DE Large Monstrous Spider 11 R
332 AF Duergar Warrior 4 C
334 AF Gauth 39 R
342 AF Ochre Jelly 19 R
427 GL Otyugh 22 R
430 GL Dire Rat 4 C
444 GL Drider Sorcerer 30 R
467 GL Bulette 57 U
522 Ab Formian Warrior 16 U
529 Ab Destrachan 26 U
531 Ab Fiendish Dire Weasel 8 C
534 Ab Half-Illithid Lizardfolk 13 U
537 Ab Kobold Champion 11 C
538 Ab Kobold Sorcerer 20 1 U
547 Ab Choker 14 U
549 Ab Fiendish Giant Praying Mantis 33 R
550 Ab Gibbering Mouther 26 R
635 DK Grell 26 U
637 DK Kruthik Hatchling 10 C
653 DK Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion 25 R
744 An Kobold Soldier 6 C
754 An Fiendish Dire Wolverine 29 U
830 UD Ankheg 22 U
833 UD Dark Naga 41 3 U
835 UD Duergar Champion 33 U
844 UD Dire Bat 12 U
849 UD Grimlock Barbarian 28 U
852 UD Large Deep Dragon 67 R
856 UD Roper 74 R
858 UD Swarm of Spiders 15 U

Fane of the Drow Force List

Num Set Model Name Cost Com# Rar
148 Ha Kobold Warrior 3 C
150 Ha Mind Flayer 35 4 R
156 Ha Troglodyte Zombie 10 U
162 Ha Drow Fighter 10 U
168 Ha Kuo-Toa 5 C
170 Ha Minotaur 17 R
178 Ha Umber Hulk 30 R
235 DE Kobold Skirmisher 5 C
249 DE Drow Warrior 6 U
256 DE Ogre Ravager 38 R
260 DE Troglodyte 7 C
332 AF Duergar Warrior 4 C
348 AF Cultist of the Dragon 29 C
350 AF Drow Sergeant 16 2 U
359 AF Young Minotaur 13 U
360 AF Yuan-Ti Pureblood 11 U
429 GL Blue 5 C
445 GL Drow Fighter 10 U
446 GL Drow Rogue 19 U
454 GL Minotaur 17 R
534 Ab Half-Illithid Lizardfolk 13 U
537 Ab Kobold Champion 11 C
538 Ab Kobold Sorcerer 20 1 U
539 Ab Mind Flayer Telepath 38 R
540 Ab Mongrelfolk 3 C
559 Ab Yuan-Ti Abomination 48 4 R
560 Ab Yuan-Ti Halfblood 28 U
731 An Dwarf Mercenary 9 C
744 An Kobold Soldier 6 C
753 An Feral Minotaur 32 U
757 An Ophidian 5 C
834 UD Dolgaunt Monk 14 U
835 UD Duergar Champion 33 U
837 UD Helmed Horror 45 R
838 UD Kobold Miner 3 C
840 UD Troglodyte Captain 53 5 U
849 UD Grimlock Barbarian 28 U
859 UD Troglodyte Barbarian 24 C

Mushroom Cavern Force List

Number Faction Model Name Cost Com# Rarity
541 Ab Myconid Guard 9 C
629 DK Wood Woad 15 U
136 Ha Shambling Mound 30 R
241 DE Carrion Crawler 19 R
537 Ab Kobold Champion 11 C
838 UD Kobold Miner 3 C
235 DE Kobold Skirmisher 5 C
744 An Kobold Soldier 6 C
538 Ab Kobold Sorcerer 20 1 U
148 Ha Kobold Warrior 3 C
149 Ha Medusa 62 R
230 DE Cleric of Nerull 29 3 R
833 UD Dark Naga 41 3 U
636 DK Grim Necromancer 35 2 U
all evil Undead

Hellspike Grotto Force List

Number Set Model Name Cost Com# Rarity
132 Ha Azer Raider 5 U
140 Ha Bearded Devil 34 R
144 Ha Hell Hound 10 C
169 Ha Large Fire Elemental 50 R
176 Ha Tiefling Captain 21 4 U
230 DE Cleric of Nerull 29 3 U
237 DE Salamander 32 R
243 DE Abyssal Maw 5 C
248 DE Dretch 14 C
329 AF Bone Devil 74 R
331 AF Dread Guard 14 C
333 AF Erinyes 72 R
344 AF Abyssal Eviscerator 29 U
354 AF Medium Fire Elemental 11 U
428 GL Bladeling Fighter 21 C
434 GL Lemure 5 C
441 GL Blue Slaad 50 R
457 GL Quasit 19 U
522 Ab Formian Warrior 16 U
531 Ab Fiendish Dire Weasel 8 C
544 Ab Skullsplitter 28 2 R
549 Ab Fiendish Giant Praying Mantis 33 R
649 DK Burning Skeleton 13 U
653 DK Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion 25 R
733 An Red Slaad 44 R
739 An Efreeti 42 R
740 An Flamebrother Salamander 11 U
756 An Magmin 11 U
760 An Wrackspawn 19 C
825 UD Iron Golem 61 R
828 UD Xorn 24 U
841 UD Balor 95 0 R
843 UD Death Slaad 53 1 R

Magma Keep Force List

For the final Magma Keep battle, the troglodyte player can build his 120-point warband using any evil figures, with only one restriction -- at least 60 points worth must be figures that have the word "troglodyte" in their names (Troglodyte, Troglodyte Barbarian, and Troglodyte Captain).

About the Author

Steve Winter is a writer, game designer, and web producer living in the Seattle area. He's been involved with publishing D&D in one form or another since 1981. Tiny people and monsters made of plastic and lead are among his favorite obsessions.

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