D&D Archives08/11/2007

Complete Scoundrel
Wallpapers & Screensaver

You have a choice in front of you: Do you want a single wallpaper featuring art from Complete Scoundrel or will you download more than one? How about a screensaver? Why not take a look at what desktop wallpapers we have for you, decide which ones you want, download the screensaver, and then make your other preparations for a bit of sneaky, scoundrel-y fun with the help of this tome.


To Use the Screensaver

If you are using Macintosh OS 9 or OS X, unstuff the .hqx file corresponding to your operating system. Use Stuffit Expander to expand the files. (On OS X, this utility is included on your computer.) Once the file is expanded, double-click the installer application to install the screensaver.

If you are using Windows 95, 98, ME, or 2000, double-click the PC file, and it should unzip automatically. If it does not, use WinZip to expand the file. Once it is unzipped, double-click the installer application to install the screensaver.


The Scoundrel
(wallpaper #1)
Fast Trapper
(wallpaper #2)
Psionic Scoundrels
(wallpaper #3)

To Use the Desktop Wallpapers

Mac OS X: If you are using Macintosh OS X, put the desktop pictures into your Pictures folder then open System Preferences. Select "Desktops" then choose the desktop picture you want to use.

Windows: If you are using Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, or XP, right click on any empty area on your desktop. Select Properties in the menu that appears. Click the Desktop tab. Click the Browse button, then navigate to where you stored your desktop wallpapers, then select the desktop wallpaper you want to use.

Spell Trickster
(wallpaper #1)

Desktop Wallpapers Archive

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