Excerpts 06/18/2007

Forge of War

Learn more about the Last War in Forge of War, a supplement that can flesh out the history of your Eberron campaign or even help you to craft a campaign that is set during this time period. Take a look at a few excerpts, including some history, various scars of war, a spell list, some magic items, and a warforged raptor.

Scars of War

The Last War left many marks on the face of Khorvaire, from the gaping wound of the Mournland to the new borders carved into the political landscape. Of far more immediate import to most, however, are the scars it left on those who fought during the seemingly endless conflict.

Presented here is an array of lingering injuries -- physical, mental, and emotional -- you can apply to more fully convey the war's impact on your character. Note that these are entirely roleplaying hints and suggestions, not mechanical alterations. If you want your character's physical or mental nature to reflect these scars, that's a laudable goal, and there are plenty of ways to do so. You might choose to give a character with a limp a relatively low Dexterity. A disfigured character might have a low Charisma. If your DM makes use of such systems, consider choosing some appropriate flaws, as presented in Unearthed Arcana. Ultimately, however, any such mechanical details are up to you; the scars presented here do not automatically impose them.

Don't take these personality quirks too far. They're intended to add to the roleplaying experience, not to provide an excuse to irritate the other players at the table or to hog the spotlight. They're best used in moderation; think of them as spice to jazz up your character, not as a main course.


You are addicted to some substance. The most common is alcohol in its various forms, but Khorvaire provides plenty of other possibilities for those who seek to wash away their pain with outside help. From the kvinta herb found exclusively on the plains of Talenta; to the excretions of the izmbi, a gecko native to Zilargo's jungles; to numerous synthetic mood-shifters created by enterprising alchemists, you have your pick of poisons.

Roleplaying: Get jittery when it looks as though you might run low on your substance of choice. Speak swiftly and grow angry easily when you've gone without; calm down dramatically when you finally get what you need. Obsess over your supply of "stuff," constantly worrying that you won't be able to keep yourself stocked. You grow angry when confronted with your problem but, on rare occasions you might have the self-awareness to seek out help -- or at least to be repulsed by your own weakness.

Battle Scars

The simplest and most common mark of the Last War is the battle scar. Such a blemish likely came from one of the weapons of war; an enemy soldier's attack, the fang or claw of a war-trained beast, or an offensive spell. Some soldiers have only one scar, perhaps a large white line down the torso where an axe punched through armor, criss-crossing lines on the arms from the tips of rapiers, or a mark from nose to ear marking the trail of an arrow. Others are literally covered with scars and old injuries, a veritable road map of violence and combat during the war.

Roleplaying: A fierce warrior might wear each of his scars as a badge of honor and glory. If possible, choose clothing and armor that exposes your most impressive scars. Any time the conversation turns to battle, tell tales of your prowess, showing your scars as evidence of your exploits. Alternatively, you might view your scars as shameful, perhaps seeing in each one a wound you should have avoided, a reminder of days you'd like to forget, or simply a blemish that impairs your physical appearance. In such a case, dress to hide your scars, perhaps even using makeup or magic to cover them, and grow irritated whenever someone draws attention to them.

Missing Limb

Magical healing might be relatively easy to come by, but regeneration is far less so. A war injury has cost you some fingers, a hand, perhaps even an arm. You have adapted to the loss as well as you're able to, but it still causes you more than a few problems. You've contemplated magical regeneration, or perhaps some sort of graft, but so far you've failed to find sufficient funds, or at least the proper opportunity to do so.

Roleplaying: This is one of the more difficult scars of war to convey without incorporating game mechanics, but there are still things you can do to get it across. Most obviously, avoid the use of anything that requires, or even encourages, the use of two hands. This includes, but isn't limited to, two-handed melee weapons, bows, shields (unless you're using the shield as a weapon), and the like. Try to avoid activities such as climbing or swimming. When acting in character, avoid using the "missing" limb to make gestures; that's a subtle act, but it'll help get the point across to your fellow players.

Weapon Fetishes

Every soldier learns to rely on a weapon, but you've taken that reliance to a rather disturbing extreme. You have personalized your favorite weapon, treating it as a friend and companion. You dote on it, ensuring that it remains in perfect condition, spending a small fortune to adorn it with precious stones and trophies of your victories.

Roleplaying: Talk to your weapon, both in combat and out. Spend hours polishing it, sharpening it, and caring for it. Spend a portion of your earnings on improving the weapon. This improvement can include magical enchantments, but it should also include attractive but nonfunctional ornaments, such as gems for the pommel. You absolutely will not trade the weapon for another, and you refuse to be separated from it. (This stance can cause problems, for instance if you're trying to enter a gathering that doesn't allow weapons.) You grow angry or depressed if you are forcibly separated from your weapon, and the loss or destruction of it could cause deep emotional damage.

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