Adventure Updates03/19/2008

Regional Adventure Updates

Region Links

The following adventures are now available for download from their related regional adventue pages

AHL7-02 Ein Gueldenes Herz by Ingo Teutsch
Die Elfen des Adri blicken mehr denn je auf die Spuren ihrer Vergangenheit. Doch an dieser zeigt sich auch eine andere Gestalt interessiert, die den Elfen nicht wohl gesonnen ist. Zur Erlangung ihrer Ziele benötigen die Elfen daher Hilfe - ein Aufruf an alle Mitglieder der Vereinigung des Falken und die, die guten Herzens sind. (Das Abenteuer ist in erster Linie für gut-gesinnte Charaktere geschrieben und mindestens ein gut-gesinnter Charakter ist notwendig, um das Abenteuer zu spielen.) Ein zweiründiges Herbergsbad /Adri Regional Abenteuer mit einer optionalen Begegnung für Charaktere der Stufen 3-15 (Durchschnittliche Gruppenstufe (DGS) 4-14). Aufgrund des Umfangs des Abenteuers sollte für dieses eine Spielzeit von 8-10 Stunden eingeplant werden.

AHL7-04 Der Siebte Tempel by Frank Roters
Seit knapp einem Jahr kehren Expeditionen aus dem Adri zurück, die von Ruinen berichten, die einst den inneren Tempelring eines längst untergegangenen Drachenkults bildeten. Insgesamt sechs solcher Ruinen sind gefunden worden. Doch alte Quellen berichten von sieben Tempeln und so rüsten die Boccob-, Heironeous- und die Rao-Kirche gemeinsam mit den Drachenjüngern erneut eine Expedition aus, um diesen Tempel zu finden. Die Hinweise führen tief in den Adri…
Fortsetzung von AHL 1-01 „Willkommen im Adri“ von Rainer Nagel bzw.AHL E01 „Wiedersehen im Adri“ von Rainer Nagel und AHL 6-04 Ein vergessener Tempel von Frank Roters. Für Charaktere der Stufen 3-15 (Durchschnittliche Gruppenstufe (DGS) 4-14).

AHL7-06 Die Grube by Rainer Nagel
Ein Drache öffnet euch in mehr als einem Sinne das Tor zu einem lange vergessenen Ort, an dem ihr alte und neue Geheimnise erforschen könnt – aber nur dann, wenn ihr euch in die klaffenden Grube wagt, die so plötzlich aufgebrochen ist … und wenn ihr euch den Schrecken stellt, die unter den idyllischen Hügeln um Amhang lauern.
Für Charaktere der Stufen 1-15 (Durchschnittliche Gruppenstufe (DGS) 2-14).

AHL7-07 Quelle des Zorns by Matthias Schäfer
Ordnung und Gesetz werden in Herbergsbad immer häufiger mit harten Mitteln durchgesetzt. Rumtreiber, Regimegegner und Aufständische werden verfolgt, um den ehrlichen Steuerzahler und die Besucher zu schützen. Trotzdem gehen immer noch seltsame Dinge in der Stadt vor: Ein Wachtrupp ist spurlos verschwunden. Wenn die Stadtwache bereits Abenteurer anheuert, um das aufzuklären, steckt irgendwo der Wurm im Fürstentum.
Ein regionales Abenteuer in Herbergsbad für Charaktere der Stufe 1 bis 13 (DGS 2 – 10). Erster Teil der „Sturm über Herbergsbad“-Serie. Das Abenteuer ist eingeschränkt für Kentauren geeignet.

AHL7-08 Shatten uber Herbergsbad by Sascha Glimmann
Mit harter Hand regiert Prinzessin Karasin die Stadt Herbergsbad – Zucht und Ordnung halten Einzug. Die guten Viertel der Stadt prosperieren, während die Ärmsten immer mehr Repressionen ausgesetzt sind. Zudem gibt es Gerüchte von finsteren Machenschaften und verschwundenen Bürgern – Ist etwas faul im Staate Ahlissa? Ein Abenteuer für 4-6 Spieler, jedoch ungeeignet für Zentauren.
Für Charaktere der Stufen 1-11 (Durchschnittliche Gruppenstufe (DGS) 2-8).

DUL7-03 Siren's Rock by Christopher Clark
The Dullstrand Pilot’s Guild is concerned about fishermen disapearing in the vicinity of the small village of Earby. Are bad weather and bad luck responsible? Are the fabled sirens responsible? Or is there something more evil at work? A two-round regional adventure set in the Dullstrand for characters level 4-14 (APLs 6-12).

DYV7-07 Dyvide by Andy McCullough
Helsim Lord Grift has ordered the evacuation of the Ehlenwood, and refugees are pouring into the Free City seeking protection from the relentless advancing horde of the Pomarj through the Gnarley Forest. Shandara Grift, Lord Grift’s eldest daughter, has embarked on a quest of redemption to right her wrongs in the sacking of Tricaster. Rumors of her demise abound, but now word comes that she is in need of aid deep in the Gnarley Forest. Are you willing to risk the dangers of the Gnarley Forest to aid one who has failed the City of Sails in the past? A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Ehlenwood fief of the Gnarley Forest for characters level 4-14 (APLs 6-12). Part four of The Machinations saga. Possession of the Learyn Tome from DYV6-04 Dyvisive Deep is not required but is highly recommended.

DYV7-08 Crow’s Nest by Thomas G. Christy
From high on their shadowy perch, cloaked figures scan the Dyvers dock district. Below, a small group of revelers stumble through the dark night, taking a wrong turn into an even darker alley. You have a chance to save them but will the reward be worth it? A one-round Dyvers regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers, in the City of Dyvers, for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12).

DYV7-09 Darkness Cometh by Michael Mockus
The City of Dyvers, once booming with economic prosperity, now languishes with poverty and overcrowding. Refugees flood in from the Free Lands, seeking shelter from the encroaching orc horde. The populace cries for Magister Hunter to protect them. The Gentry Council is less confident in her ability to withstand the invasion and seeks any method or ally to protect the city. A one-round Dyvers regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers, for characters level 4-15 (APLs 6-16). A stage of the Gnarley Threat.

EKB7-02 Âmes perdues by David Martinez
Cela fait quelques semaines que plusieurs bateaux affrétés par le Consortium du Mouqollad et devant rejoindre Fashtri, n’y sont jamais arrivés. Les familles marchandes souhaitent tout mettre en œuvre pour résoudre le mystère de ces disparitions. Une aventure régionale en un round pour personnages de niveau 1 à 14 (APL 2-12). Quatrième et dernière aventure du cycle des Familles marchandes.

EKB7-03 Dans les griffes du Tigre by Gael Richard
Le moment de franchir la mystérieuse Porte noire est venu. Que trouverez-vous derrière ? Une aventure réellement traumatisante au royaume de la souffrance, de l’horreur et de la folie, déconseillée aux âmes sensibles. Vous êtes prevenu…
Une aventure régionale Ekbir en deux rounds pour personnages de niveau 1 à 14 (APL 2-12). Cette aventure s’inscrit dans la trame des Faris Rautha. Elle est la suite du EKB 6-03 Le Secret du Chevalier noir. Pour pouvoir jouer Dans les griffes du Tigre, un personnage doit obligatoirement avoir joué Le Secret du Chevalier noir et avoir obtenu Pacte du Dragon sur son AR. De plus, les mentions suivantes doivent obligatoirement figurer sur au moins un AR parmi ceux du groupe : Porte noire, Pierre de Sibur, Page des Lamentations.

EKB7-04 L’Heritage by David Martinez
Un étrange groupe s’attaque à un noble pour le détrousser ou plutôt pour s’emparer de son épée. Les personnages seront chargés de retrouver cette très ancienne arme familliale. Quel fabuleux pouvoir peut bien recéler cette lame au pommeau d’ivoire ? Ainsi commence le voyage vers les secrets du passé et de l’avenir !
Une aventure régionale en deux rounds pour personnages de niveau 3 à 16 (APL 4-14). Cinquième aventure du cycle : Arcane d’un autre temps.

ESA7-03/NMR7-02 Wake of the Tempest by James Dempsey
The good ship Kalandra lies wrecked, victim to the furious storm that cast it onto rocky cliffs, its cargo looted and its secrets revealed. But is that truly the case? What more is to be found in the shattered belly of the sunken ship? Visionary messages would have it that mysteries are yet to be found. A one-round Splintered Suns metaregional adventure set in Medegia for characters level 1-13 (APLs 2-10). Part two of Terrors of the Deep. (Not for those who hear ‘run away’ in the sea’s song.). Like part one, Gift of the Tempest, you can either play the NMR or the ESA version and not both.

ESA7-04 Head or Tails by Pieter Sleijpen
Dawn. Soldiers are staring silently into the twilight, weapons drawn, and faces grim. The enemy is hidden in shadows. Soon the battle will be on. Soon the sounds of weapons, the shouts of angry soldiers and the moans of the wounded will replace the birds greeting Pelor. Will you be at the battle to aid the good people of Ahlissa and Sunndi? A one-round metaregional adventure set in Ahlissa for characters level 2-14 (APLs 4-12). It is the fifth part of the Broken Chains series, direct sequel of ESA6-01 Knife’s Edge.

ESA7-05 And All the Prince's Men by Sampo Haarlaa
Patriotic Knights, a group of Oeridian supremacist and rabble-rousers, and their allies have suffered blows in the past but are hardly a spent force. Now, yet more fuel is thrown into the flames that threaten to tear Naerie City apart. Riots, robbery and revelations, all within one hectic day in the city. Recommended for well-balanced parties who have had past dealings and no enmities with the Nasranite Watch. Closely connected to ESA6-05 Point of View, NAE6-05 Sharafon and NAE7-03 Incognito and introduction to the year 8 meta-regional trilogy Trouble Within. A one-round Splintered Suns metaregional set in Principality of Naerie for Character levels 2-13 (APL 4 to 10).

ESA7-06/NMR7-06 Eye of the Tempest by Mark Somers and Renout van Rijn
or months rumors have said that an evil fleet sails the Solnor Ocean, preying on ships of all nations and leaving few survivors. The rumors have now been confirmed, and a storm gathers in the form of an armada of the undead. Can a band of brave adventurers sail to a mysterious location and recover a hidden treasure that might avert the coming tempest? A two-round Nyrond and her Environs and the Splintered Suns meta-region adventure set on the Solnor Ocean for characters level 4-16 (APLs 6-14). Part three of Terrors of the Deep [Not for those with a dislike for the ocean.]

KET7-02 The Wicked Returns by Jason O’Gorman
Shades of silence whisper dangerously in the night as voices from beyond attempt to settle all scores. Wrap yourself in light before you go to the darkest of places. A one-round regional adventure with an extended play option set in Ket, for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-14), particularly suitable for members of the Puppeteers of Ket, Warders of Geshtai and Guardians of Eternal Slumber. The third and final part of the Good vs Evil series that began with KET3-01 The Lowest of the Low and KET4-01 The Rescue of Sanjar the Low.

KET7-06 Balance of Peace by Penn Davies and Alan Brown
Life wanes and death waxes. How soon until the tipping point is reached? A one-round regional adventure set in Ket for characters level 1-14 (APLs 2-12), particularly suitable for those who avoid the frontal assault method of investigation, as well as members of the Archons, Dwarven Clans, and Shadows of Xan Yae. Part three of the Seeking Balance series. This adventure contains spoilers for previous adventures in this series, therefore players are strongly advised that for maximum enjoyment, KET7-01 Balance of Secrets and KET 7-03 Balance of Harmony should be played first.

KET7-07 Balance of Ket by Alan Brown and Penn Davies
Celebrate an upcoming national holiday with a meal at the Griffon’s Nest. As usual, beware of the food there, and also keep in mind that treason doesn’t take a vacation. A one-round regional adventure set in Ket for characters level 1-14 (APLs 2-12), particularly suitable for members of The True Faith, Heroes of Azor’Alq, and Veterans of Ket. The fourth and final instalment of the Seeking Balance series. This adventure contains spoilers for previous adventures in this series; therefore players are strongly advised that for maximum enjoyment, KET7-01 Balance of Secrets, KET 7-03 Balance of Harmony and KET7-06 Balance of Peace should be played first.

KET7-08 Blot Out the Sun by Stephen Baker
It has begun. The Cup and Talisman, blessed artifacts of Al’Akbar, have been given to the corrupt Caliph of Ekbir of the Exalted Faith. Incensed at this outrage, the Grand Mufti of the True Faith has called upon Ket to rise up and reclaim these sacred artifacts, and the army, the Mullahs and many Citizens of Ket have responded to his call. Tusmit is but the first step on the road… An adventure for levels 1-15 (APL 2-12). Part one of the Road to Righteousness series. Because the plotline of this series is linear, the adventures should be played in chronological order for the best playing experience. Those of the Exalted Faith or claiming the Home Region of Ekbir should be aware that this adventure will be significantly more dangerous for them. Any PC may play this adventure, even if they declared for the Beygraf in KETINT7-03 At the Beygraf’s Pleasure. However, PCs who declared for Sylvana bint Zoltan and the Grand Mufti and/or have not played any of the adventures in the Beygraf in Molvar series may be rewarded for their loyalty. Players should be aware that due to advances in the regional storyline, playing previously published Ket adventures after they have played this one will result in storyline discontinuity.

KET7-09 A Thorny Issue by Alan Brown, Penn Davies and Chris Wachal
Mullahs of the True Faith have taken the Ket army on a holy quest to invade Ekbir. With no army protecting Ket, Bissel has invaded, taking Lopolla by storm. Ketites remaining in the country are divided and leaderless. Can Ket be saved? Will anyone try? Or is there no place left for those more loyal to Ket than to the True Faith? An adventure for levels 1-15 (APLs 2-12). Part one of the Beygraf in Molvar series—adventures in this series should be played in order for the best play experience. Any PC may play this adventure, even if the PC has previously worked for the quest for the Cup & Talisman. However, PCs may be rewarded for their loyalty if they have declared for the Beygraf and/or have not played any of the adventures in the Road to Righteousness series. Playing Ket adventures published prior to November 2007 after playing this one will result in regional storyline discontinuity.

NAE7-02 Demon Wishing by Dan Hass
A previous task was left uncompleted. The taint of evil, while bound, still infests the area near Osfelred. Heroes are needed to settle the matter once and for all. A sequel to NAE4-02 The Venomous Temple. A two-round regional set in Principality of Naerie for Character levels 4-14 (APL 6 to 12).

NAE7-03 Incognito by Gordon Smith
Sometimes the path to victory is fairly straightforward. Sometimes it requires a more convulted path. Can you walk in the shoes of somebody else to defeat the enemy? Can you play the patriot in the fanatic's cause and convince him of your sinceresty to get all the information you need to defeat those that both freedom fighter and city guards wants defeated? A one-round adventure set in Principality of Naerie for characters level 1-10 (APLs 2-8).

NAE7-04 Unyielding by Jukka Särkijärvi
In the days of yore, the keeps of the Eddri Line defended the County of Idee from the forces of the Great Kingdom. In their duty they were unsuccessful, for the attack came from a different quarter, yet some never admitted defeat. Now the forts lie empty and forlorn in the hills – right up until some stalwart fools with a deathwish come traipsing through their halls. A one-round regional adventure set in the Principality of Naerie for character levels 1-12 (APL 2-10).

NAE7-05 Trail of the Serpent by Sampo Haarlaa
While the Serpent Guard has been destroyed, authorities in Felten & Gornor's Cove still require assistance in discovering their past. The trail of the serpent began in village of Radoc, on the outskirts of Hollow Highland and it is here where the secrets will be revealed. A sequel to NAE6-01 First Bite and NAE6-03 Legacy of the Serpent. A one-round regional set in Principality of Naerie for Character levels 1-13 (APL 2 to 10).

NMR7-05 Raking Leaves by Matthew Thompson
With primeval darkness gaining power, a set of ancient heretical tomes, long since forgotten, may bring salvation. One set is believed to exist somewhere in the Rakers. It is up to the heroes of the area to find them, retrieve them, and make sure they are not used for evil ends. A one-round Nyrond and Her Environs Meta-regional adventure set in The Rakers for characters level 2-14 (APLs 4-12).

NMR7-06 Eye of the Tempest by Mark Somers and Renout Van Rijn
For months rumors have said that an evil fleet sails the Solnor Ocean, preying on ships of all nations and leaving few survivors. The rumors have now been confirmed, and a storm gathers in the form of an armada of the undead. Can a band of brave adventurers sail to a mysterious location and recover a hidden treasure that might avert the coming tempest?
A two-round Nyrond and her Environs metaregion adventure set on the Solnor Ocean for characters level 4-16 (APLs 6-14). Part three of Terrors of the Deep [Not for those with a dislike for the ocean.]

NMR8-01 Draconic Schemes by JP Chapleau
Four years ago, a woodsman of the Gamboge told the tale of how he escaped a green dragon to anyone who would listen. Now, folks from a number of regions are interested in the fate of that dragon. Why are Urnstians so interested in the beast and Nyrondese interested in giving it to them? Schemes are afoot. A one-round metaregional adventure set in the Northern Gamboge forest for characters level 2-15 (APLs 4-14). This adventure has a particular interest for members of House Duncombe, the Pale Diplomatic corps and anyone with an interest in the Gamboge Forest.

NYR8-03 Children of Malice by Bryan Bagnas
A host of strange goblins is terrorizing the local villages in what is now called Maglubiyet’s Triangle. The villagers’ moons-lit nights are filled with bloodshed and misery. Those able to flee the destruction report that the very minions of evil are upon them. The enemy is stronger, faster, and more resilient than before. Where are they coming from? Who will finally put an end to this horrible nightmare? (Combined finale to the Kelwyn series: NYR6-04 Kelwyn’s Keys, NYR7-03 Requiem to Maglubiyet, and NYR7-06 Forgotten Temple of Shumhanrhu, and the Swan Bore series: NYR5-S03 Swans of the Duntide, NYR5-M02 Releash the Dogs of War, and NYR7-01 Faith and Convictions.) A one-round Regional adventure set in Kingdom of Nyrond for characters level 1-14 (APLs 2-12).

PAL7-06 Undermining Authority by Mark Quinto
With the Demonic invasion turned aside, the now empty structures of Bitterhollow seems to have attracted a few squatters. Several small squads have been tasked to investigate, and with armed forces still running thin – an old acquaintance request for your expertise in some underground matters. A subterranean epic for PCs who aren’t afraid of the dark; APLs 2-10. Part two of the Truth or Derro series which includes PAL 7-02 Reed Carefully.

PAL8-02 As Knight Turns Into by Day Mark Quinto
In the days after the Second Battle for Bitterhollow, a great blanket of clouds gathered above the city of Ogburg, blocking the sun and casting the city in a grey haze. A renegade knight has rallied a veritable army to his side hunting the final vestiges of Derro with wanton disregard for those caught in the crossfire. Finally divinations on either subject seem to show the same thing... a solid black line being traced on a map to the city of Ogburg followed by the disappearance of the city itself. This adventure is best suited for heroes of levels 4-14 (APL 6-12) that like a bit closure. Part of the Truth or Derro series which includes PAL7-02 Reed Carefully, PAL7-06 Undermining Authority, PAL8S-01 Basilica of the Holy Star and PAL8-02 As Knight Turns Into Day.

SND7-01 As Time Goes By by Gary Johnson
Someone – or something – is disturbing old graves of almost-forgotten villagers. Who meddles with the dead, and why? Is there a reason the trail leads towards the Vast Swamp? A one-round regional set in southern Sunndi and the Vast Swamp for character levels 5-13 (APL 6 to 12).

SND7-05 A Few Less Men by Krishna Simonse
Betrayed betrayers, fugetive fugetives, conflicts about fear, fears of conflict. Its a crazy world and as always truth is a scarce comodity. Can it be found? Can you handle the truth? Time for a few more headaches and all because of a few less men. An investigative adventure for player level 1 to 10 (APL 2-8), especially suited for members of the Darkwater Skirmishers, Characters with the High Risk disfavor from the Iron League or Jade Mask cannot play this adventure.

SND7-06 Disillusion by Derek Knutsen
Answers must be dug up from the past as you once again aid the followers of Myrhiss. Along the way you will meet people touched by the world. For some people, it is so easy to get lost in the suffering and wrap themselves in the comfort of pain and sorrow with little room for anyone else. Others come through stronger, but scarred. Who is strong and who is lost? You will need to decide who to trust. A one-round Sunndi regional adventure for characters level 1-10 (APLs 2-8). Part two of the Hero's Love Song series.

SND7-07 Dig Deeper by Bobo Boom
There's trouble at the mines, and it's not just one of the crossbeams gone out askew on the treadle. The Dwarven silver-miners at the edge of the Rieuwood may never have been appreciated by the neighboring elves, and there have always been minor troubles, but now there have been disappearances as well. Can you discover what has happened, and appease both neighbors before things get out of hand? A one-round Sunndi Regional scenario for character levels 3-13 (APLs 4-12).

TUS7-07 The Stone Gardens by Francis Carrier
In search of the past you are to enter the Stone Gardens. Will you survive the madness or be consumed by it? Part of the Fell Dreams of the Udgru series. The adventure contains a special play option for all-elf groups. A one-round Regional adventure set in Tusmit for characters level 2-14 (APLs 4-12)

URD8-01 Something Old, Something New by Kathy Ice
The pleasure of your company is requested at the wedding of Cinda Finel and Tamber Cloverbrook. Reception to follow. Not to mention battle, mayhem, betrayal, and political in-fighting. (It is the Vale, after all.) A one-round regional adventure set in the Vale for characters level 2-14 (APLs 4-12). This adventure is best suited for PCs with factional ties and/or PCs who have previously adventured in the Vale.

VEL7-04 Chasing Keys by Dan Erbacher and Shawn Merwin
The assassination of Baron Stephen Nital has stoked the firestorm of accusation and political maneuvering between the church and nobility. The force behind the assassination needs to be brought to justice. But conflicting forces have other plans. A one-round regional adventure set in Archclericy of Veluna for characters level 5-15 (APLs 6-12).

VEL7-05 Hound at Bay by Tom McGrath
An ill wind is blowing in Whitehale Diocese. Some believe that fanning the flames will bring a reprieve from tyranny while others fear the flames of rebellion. Others look on to see what benefit they can gain from turmoil. Which side will you choose? A Veluna regional adventure for characters level 1 to 10 (APLs 2-8).

VEL7-06 Border Watch by Brian Gilkison and David Kerscher
Rumbles of war in the Baklunish West have prompted Canon Truft to begin closing Veluna's borders, prompting an outcry from factions both noble and religious. But is the internal dissent due to what some see as an unreasoned decision, or to his choice for the vanguard of the Vale's defense? The security of Veluna is being entrusted to ... bards? Rao help us all. A one-round Regional adventure set in the Archclericy of Veluna that allows for real characters to shine (level 1-14; APLs 2-12).

VEL7-07 Harbinger of Shadow by Lynn Register
Redin Sarneth tossed and turned, his sheets soaked with sweat, shadows flitting in and out of his fevered dreams. Something hid in the darkness just out of sight, some presence. In a voice cracked with the age of the oldest scrolls, it spoke in a whisper..... "I am not the pretender Sancredia. I AM THE END." A two round Regional adventure that ties up loose ends that is set in the Archclericy of Veluna for characters level 4-15 (APLs 6-14). This adventure includes an extended play option, which could include untiered encounters.

VER7-06 The Swan and the Crow by Gregg Homerding and Brian Troyan
“If the Lion and the Dragon fight, they will both die.” –Tadashi Adachi.
“It is best to live with honor for just a day than with dishonor for many decades; better a short lived celestial swan than a century-lived crow.” –Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Covert agents seek to undermine power in the beleaguered town of Swan. Adventurers are enlisted for aid, and the heir of a noble house finally comes of age to help determine the future of the Viscounty. A Verbobonc regional adventure for APLs 4-10. PCs should play VER7-05 The Lion and the Dragon and earlier Verbobonc adventures prior to playing this adventure.

VER7-07 A Bitter Pill by Ian Thomas Hardin and Chad LaMontagne
Fame. It can be a double-edged sword. With the Viscounty on the brink of civil war a chance to alleviate some of the tension-and line your pockets-presents itself. But what is best for the Viscounty may be in the eye of the beholder. A one-round Verbobonc regional adventure set in Verbobonc City and possibly the Ironwood for PCs level 1-10 (APLs 2-8). It is strongly suggested that PCs have played all previous Verbobonc Year 7 adventures prior to this adventure.

VER7-08 Race the Spirit’s Lightning by Ron Lundeen and Gregory Hanigan
Verbobonc has changed dramatically since Magister Har sent you on a simple mission years ago. Enemies have become allies, and allies now seem untrustworthy. Triangles of lightning flash in the sky. Are these omens of doom, or heralds of a powerful transfiguration? Find out what lies at the end of the road to adventure. This is the final adventure in the Skyroad Series, which should be played in order. PCs with Gnomish Spectacles are encouraged to play. A one-round Verbobonc regional adventure for character levels 2-12 (APLs 4-10).
Metaorganizational Focus: House Estival, House Galans, House Shannus, Protectors of the Iron Wood, Mounted Borderers, the Wrinkle Academy.

VER7-09 Jinxed by Ron Lundeen
One day, years from now, you’ll be talking with friends about unlucky times. “I once had a very unlucky day,” you’ll tell them. “It started right away, first thing in the morning. It might have seemed lucky at first. It certainly did to me. But bad luck comes in many guises.” “Well, then,” your friends will say, “Tell us all about it.” A one-round investigative Verbobonc regional adventure for character levels 1-8 (APLs 2-6).
Metaorganizational Focus: Church of Trithereon, the Family, Gentlemen of the Watch.

VTF7-06 Left Unsaid by Gary Milakovic
Without explanation the Mouqollad Consortium has been searching doggedly for rare and unique items all across the Flaeness. As events unfold in the Baklunish West the reasons for this become clearer. A one-round VTF metaregional adventure set primarily in Ket and elsewhere for PCs level 3-15 (APLs 4-14). There is an extended play option available for APL 12 and 14 only.

VTF7-07 Storm Season by Stephen Baker
The army of Ket has assembled at the behest of the Grand Mufti of the True Faith and marches on Ekbir to retrieve a lost pair of artifacts. Tusmit is split in terms of loyalty and Zeif stands alone in the Baklunish West, with no declared loyalties. An opportunity has arisen to possibly influence their stance, or perhaps simply do good in a region where something unnatural has taken hold. An adventure with some investigation for levels 4-15 (APL 6-14) and part of the Unity and Discord series.

ZEF7-06 Deliverance by Cory Fliegel and Jon Dawes
Once again you are summoned to Dhabiya. Once again you find yourself called to this city of sins. But this time, you come with a purpose, dragging a few of your fellow adventurers with you. This time you come for deliverance. A one-round regional adventure set in the Sultanate of Zeif for characters level 4-12 (APLs 6-12). This is part three of the Slave Pits of Dhabyia. The other parts are "That Look" and "Inner Turmoil." Parties need to include someone with "junior" for continuity. This is an "elite arc" adventure. PCs should bring their "A" game and prepare for tough encounters. All item purchases must be done before the introduction and noted on their Adventure Record. This adventure offers an optional encounter for those with our friend "Junior".

ZEF7-07 Deep Six by Jake Robins
The aftermath of the siege lay hard on the merfolk of the Gulf, but the job is not done. Friends are missing, and trouble is brewing deep in the Scar of Untold Depths. Can a group of land dwellers really shape the future of the merfolk? A one-round undersea regional adventure set in the Sultanate of Zeif for characters level 2-14 (APLs 4-12). Characters wary of magic may find this adventure difficult.

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