Campaign News09/28/2004

Circle Changes
Campaign News

Well it was bound to happen. After years of stability, the Living Greyhawk Circle is on the verge of a substantial shake-up. Three members of the circle are leaving their positions, and we are welcoming three fresh new victims…ah, I mean faces.

I am pleased to announce that Jason Bulmahn has accepted a job with Paizo Publishing. Jason’s about to become Dragon Magazine’s managing editor. I don’t think Paizo could have made a better choice. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jason for over four years now, and have always been delighted by his dedication and talent. Congratulations, Jason! You’ll be sorely missed as a Living Greyhawk Circle member, but we all look forward to grand things from Dragon guided by your capable hand.

In relatively older, but no less exciting news, circle veteran, David Christ, has taken on the monumental task of serving as senior GM at all of our major shows. Slated as senior GM for Gen Con So Cal 2004, Winter Fantasy 2005, Origins 2005, and Gen Con Indy 2005, David brings a wealth of experience, a talent for organization, and a love of roleplaying events second to none. I look forward to working with David in this new capacity, as much as I will miss him as a voice of reason and experience on the Living Greyhawk Circle.

As announced at Gen Con Indy of this year, the Living Greyhawk Circle is expanding by one member. While Creighton Broadhurst is not leaving the circle, he has been chosen to oversee the core plots. Creighton’s extensive knowledge of the Greyhawk setting makes him more qualified than anyone else I know (barring Erik Mona, but I hear he’s a little busy these days) to guide the core plot into year five. We’ve already had our first brainstorm concerning next year’s plots, and I think everyone will be thrilled with the year five plots Creighton is in the midst of hatching. Make sure to give him a warm reception, especially those of you itching to write core adventures in the coming year.

With Jason, David, and Creighton moving on to new projects, we need new people to take on their former roles. It was no easy task, but we found three people crazy enough to fill their shoes. Allow me introduce the three newest members of the Living Greyhawk Circle.

For the Splintered Sun metaregion, we have tapped the dashing Paul Looby. Ex-Onnwal Triad member, Splintered Sun metaregional reviewer, and the author of the current “Children of the Dust” trilogy of core adventures, Paul’s been active in the campaign since its start, and is a stalwart champion of Onnwal independence. I meet Paul at Gen Con UK in 2002, and was immediately impressed with his dedication, love of Greyhawk and D&D, and keen (and occasionally wicked) sense of fun.

Who better to take up the banner of the Old One than Chris Tulach? I swear that this unrelenting author, who I like to call the “great bane of the overconfident PCs,” is a boneheart in disguise. Don’t let his quick smile and bubbling enthusiasm fool you, the gears are turning in that wicked head of his, and he is planning your character’s demise! And that is exactly why he was chosen as the new master of Iuz’s Border Kingdoms.

To navigate the winding byways and political skullduggery of the Tuflik, Fals, and Velverdyva Trade Route, one needs a subtle mind and an unshakable will. The sly Tim Sech is just the person for that job. Tim whet his Greyhawk appetite as a Veluna Triad member, and moved on to reviewer of this regions metaregional adventures. When I first met Tim, I was taken aback by his quiet and unassuming manner, but I know from his adventures and our conversations that he’s as cunning as a Dyvers assassin, and as shrewd as a Veluna bishop; the very things his region needs from a circle representative.

There you have it. Take some time to welcome the new circle members and wish a fond farewell to Jason and David on the Living Greyhawk message boards.

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